Find out more about our production processes

Acai is an extremely popular and nutritious food, and its production is a significant source of income for many communities in the Amazon region.


Açaí bunches are harvested from açaí palm trees, which grow in wet and swampy areas of the Amazon region. The bunches can weigh from 2 to 4 kg and contain several hundred fruits.

Cleaning and Sorting

The harvested bunches are taken to a processing area where they are initially cleaned to remove leaves, branches and other impurities. Then the fruits are sorted to ensure they are ripe and free of damage.


The next step is to separate the acai pulp from the shell and the core. Our pulping machines are used to separate the pulp from the peel and core more efficiently.


The açaí mass is often passed through screens to remove any solid residues, such as bits of skin or seed.

Filling of the sorbet

We seek to optimize product packaging to maximize transport efficiency and minimize the use of materials. To offset carbon emissions generated during transport, the company collaborates on conservation projects in partnership with producers.

Sustainable Brand

To ensure sustainability, producers adopt forest management techniques, such as selective fruit collection and the use of agroforestry techniques, which preserve biodiversity and increase the resistance of plantations. This contributes to the health of the ecosystem and promotes the sustainability of acai production. The pulp is extracted efficiently, minimizing waste, and the leftovers of the process are reused, as the seed that can be used for bioenergy production.

Transport & Logistic

We invest in intensive logistics and partner with specialized companies to ensure safe transport and proper storage of our sorbets. We have a dedicated team to ensure that the products remain fresh and delicious throughout the journey to the United States. We follow international standards of quality control and hygiene, because we want our consumers to have confidence in the spoonful they will taste.

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